YaN à Singapour

                                         rerum cognoscere causas

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since 1 May 06

Sunday, October 31, 2010

The Love of My Life

With my eyes I long to see Your smile
With my ears I long to hear Your voice
With all my heart I long to feel You
With all my soul I long to seek You

Please let me find the way to Your dwelling place
I long to hide in the shadow of Your wing
To find my rest as I dwell in Your peace
To live forever in the beauty of Your praise

Draw me close to You, close by Your side
I want to hold You tight, close to my mind
Come take me to the place
Where You could be found
I want to praise You Lord, all of my life
I want to let You know, from the depth of my heart
You’ll be forever Lord
The Love, of my life

i couldn't find any videos of it on Youtube. Then i realised that this was actually composed by Fenny Luwis. =)

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Today, i give up.
退一步 海阔天空.

Tuesday, October 05, 2010

i'm used to fighting.
i fight for my country, i fight for my convictions, i fight for my dreams.

i'm just not used to fighting alone.
But eventually, i will.

撑下去. O_O!

Friday, October 01, 2010

You would, of course, be forgiven if you thought i died. Given the signs, i would have drawn a similar conclusion from someone else's blog.
Ahhh.... But the catch is, that doesn't make you right. =)

So i'm well and alive. Back from a 3-week long training attachment and a 2-week long 'Hell Week'. All i can say is, Darwin is truly boring and the course is truly tough. But that is the past. Today marks the beginning of a new phase. The course is ending soon and i jus got my posting. Suffice to say that i'll be leaving small ships behind to go on to bigger ones. The way ahead is murky, uncertain and exciting.

Who knows what the future holds? =)

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