YaN à Singapour

                                         rerum cognoscere causas

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since 1 May 06

Sunday, November 29, 2009

In the best tradition of optimisation, i spent my 2hr gap yest wisely and went to Tecman to get Xmas cards. As expected of this season, they have a sale for members! Some items are 30% off and some items are 15% off. Besides my cards, i got a new CD too. =)

Friday, November 27, 2009

'While i'm Waiting' by John Waller

"I'm waiting
I'm waiting on You, Lord
And I am hopeful
I'm waiting on You, Lord
Though it is painful
But patiently, I will wait

I'm waiting
I'm waiting on You, Lord
And I am peaceful
I'm waiting on You, Lord
Though it's not easy
But faithfully, I will wait

I will move ahead, bold and confident
Taking every step in obedience
While I'm waiting
I will serve You
While I'm waiting
I will worship
While I'm waiting
I will not faint
I'll be running the race
Even while I wait"

Sunday, November 22, 2009

After 1 early morning drive, 1 bitter gourd, 1 cup of diabetes-inducing syrup, 3 pieces chilli-padi-hidden-inside-grapes, we finally have: Mr and Mrs Chow Kwang Ann.

Perilous but worth it.

Congrats! =)

[Edit: Ripped the pic off Apple's blog. Hohoho!]

Friday, November 20, 2009

Decoding me

When i was growing up, i'd never thought i'd end up being a workaholic. i'd never had an ambition to join the Navy, i'd never wanted to be the kinda guy who joins Half Marathons for fun and i'd never imagined i wouldn't be able to get my driving licence at 26yrs old.

This is sufficient proof that life, like markets, follow a random walk.

So after observing myself for the past few years, i've learnt a bit more abt me and what i really mean when i say things, which i'd share here so that pple can understand me better.

If i say: "i took leave on that day..."
What it means is: i'll be back in base in the morning and will probably leave work by 1100h.

If i say: "i took half a day's leave..."
What it means is: i'll probably get to leave sometime after 1500h.

"it's my day off..."
i'll be at work the whole day and leave at about 1730h.

"Don't worry, it's just a normal working day..."
All the best to me.

Newton's First Law says that a body will tend to remain in its state of motion unless an external force acts on it. How true.

Oh btw, i hav time to blog cos i took leave today. =)

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

i seem to have a terrible short term memory.

My comp is ON, i open Firefox becos i'd wanted to google something.
During the time it took for the program to load, i forgot what i'd wanted to google.


[13min later: i remember!]

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