YaN à Singapour

                                         rerum cognoscere causas

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since 1 May 06

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Being Myself

It's 0353h in the morning and i'd just spent the last 4 hours being myself:

Namely, pouring in a lot of energy and effort to solve a very compelling and interesting problem which is also very small and unimportant, while having something much more important waiting for me to do.

This time, i was programming macros.

Monday, February 16, 2009

how i miss her

it's quite terrible, really... the way i took her for granted when she was still here. i saw her every week but never really appreciated how important she was to me and every part of my life... and now she's gone and i won't really see her again for quite a while...

i really miss my weekend.

one burnt, one more to go. till i see her again...
Sad! =|

p/s: Happy belated Total Defence Day

Sunday, February 08, 2009


i was bored.
like, really bored.

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