YaN à Singapour

                                         rerum cognoscere causas

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since 1 May 06

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Sean's Wedding Dinner

Shopping for a suitable shirt to wear : Enjoyable...

Sitting in a cab w a driver to drives too slowly and talks to much : Irritating...

Watching christian-themed videos and hearing christian-themed speeches : Refreshing...

Catching up w old frens without having to worry abt the next appt : Marvellous...

Being inspired to lose weight to look good for my own wedding : Priceless.

Saturday, March 08, 2008

IT Show

i was at the IT show this afternoon, mainly becos i'm thinking of overhauling my home PC n also becos the show ls at Suntec. i severely detest Expo as an exhibitlon venue so i always make it a polnt to vote with my feet by going to the show whenever it's at Suntec n boycottlng it whenever it's at Expo.

Since it was a Sat, which also happened to be 'The Sat' before sch hols, one had to fight a war to get to the exhibition venue from e train station and another war to get back. But i noticed tt the return war was the harder one to fight becos there were plenty of:

A. Pple laden w purhases, which were usually bulky,

B. Pple who are trying to placate unhappy children, "No, we really don't need the new PS3 cos we already hav a PS2. Why don't we go for ice-cream now?"

C. Pple who are trying to placate unhappy girlfriends, "Yes, we really need the new PS3 even though we hav a PS2."

If C = A, then they will prob also add "Erm.. Why don't we go for ice-cream now?"

If C NOT= A, then gf prob = B

Anyway, besides voting with my feet, i also voted w my wallet n bought a really expensive SD card reader, which cost me $3.90.

Don't lydat la, economy not doing well mah...

Friday, March 07, 2008


i recently realised tt my lack of interest in sports is more than made up for by my craze for political news... apparently, after being away for several days (work), i couldn't care less about the latest EPL scores but was desperately trying to find out who won the Texas and Ohio primaries... Desperate enough to buy Business Times cos ST wasn't avail.. =)

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