YaN à Singapour

                                         rerum cognoscere causas

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since 1 May 06

Thursday, April 27, 2006

Down and Up again...

Well as though my present stack of tasks and objectives isn't high enough, my laptop broke down.. Apparently, some programme or instruction tried to write too much content to one of my registry entries and it exceeded the limit... [Plain English: something tried to write too much stuff to the registry and it kinda exploded] Thank God for Kenny's laptop, which allowed me to search the Internet for solutions and even blog in the time between steps to fix my computer (like now)...

Ahh... My laptop is back... That's nice... =)

Monday, April 24, 2006

Life-brary Day 02

Term starts and heralds in a new set of challenges... Exams commencing in abt 3 weeks time... Most amazingly, the slacker and procrastinator that i am, actually came to the library yest night after service.. (WOW!) This is means that today is the second day in a row that i've came to the library to do work. To encourage myself, i'll be posting how long i last here... maybe can set some new record...

To encourage you to work hard too, i challenge you to beat me. =D

Friday, April 21, 2006

Breaking News

For those of us who get our news not from ST or CNA but from DuhEconomist.com: Singapore General Elections on 6th May!! Btw, Nomination Day is 27th Apr so you've only got 6 more days to fill up your forms if you want to join the 'Fan Dui Dang', which i just realised means 'the party which goes againsts what is right'.

To all those whose comment is "This is breaking news meh? We know long ago liao lor...", my reply will be "Swee lor, neber tell me."

Thursday, April 20, 2006

Latest Innovation in Chinese Take Away

A long time ago, people in the West, faced with crappy food at home, realised that anything was better than another plate of 'some meat plus some potatoes' and decided to sail to the very edge of the flat world so that they can die an exciting death, one that is as far away from the smell of butter and cheese as possible.

Fortunately, the world, afraid of any legal liabilities that it may have to bear due to such an act, promptly rolled itself into a globe and our fine white friends were saved... Even more fortunately, they discovered foreign foods and found the will the live again... The lure of exotic favours gave them courage and they set off on a colonising spree, which was actually the world's first and largest "Supermarket Sampling Trip"... Eventually, they reached the Orient, which was both as far as they could go and as far as they wanted to go because there, they stumbled upon a most interesting cuisine: Chinese Food, a method of cooking filled with mysteries, such as "How is it possible to stir-fry everything?" and "Exactly what is the difference between Sweet & Sour and Hot & Spicy?"

Eventually, tired of eating dim sum every morning, yet still very curious to solve the mysteries of Chinese food, the colonists brought the cuisine back to their homeland... Furthermore, in a brilliant stroke of genius to spread the load of hardwork in unravelling the mysteries, they made chinese takeaways open everywhere so that everyone can help by ordering 50million diff types of stir-fries and Sweet & Sour or Hot & Spicy foods.

That is the story of how chinese takeaways came about to be so popular.

Now witness, the latest breakthrough in Chinese takeaway. For years, people have struggled with the need to get chinese food quickly and conveniently with the want to eat it exquisitely like fine cuisine. Now, both can be satisfied! Instead of Chinese Food Take Away, they are offering 'Chinese Chef Take Away'!! Just drop by a visit or a call and take away that small, mysterious chinese man, who is actually thai/vietnamese/malaysian, will drop by your house and cook a meal for you... Life doesn't get any simpler and better than this!

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

an attempt to blog

i was eating porridge yest night and Alicia saw me adding the 'juice/sauce/liquid' from a jar of pickles into the porridge... It made her terribly disturbed and she told me that "it's not good for you... it's used for making pickles..." to which i replied "i've been eating like that since i was young but i'm still alive wah.." so i was in the shower just now and i realised how terribly stupid and pointless such a line of argument was...

i mean to a certain extent, it was kinda like the non-swimmer saying "i've already walked so far into the sea and i'm still not drowning wah..." i think i make such statements quite often... and i also think it's really quite amazing how as human beings we can sometimes stick so stubbornly to certain things and actions in our lives and justify them with the most irrational reasons, all the way till something drastic happens...

well i guess that statement didn't sound all that interesting on its own, presumably becos we are human beings and the statement may simply describe how we do stuff, hence making it seem to be just pointing out the obvious... to make that more interesting, compare such a decision making process with that of a computer's. everytime a computer makes a decision, it makes all the possible considerations that it's been told to consider and then makes a decision... i'm inclined to say that most humans don't... for example, after hearing what Alicia told me, i should have 1) Think back on how long it's been since i first started adding pickle sauce to porridge, 2) Looking at the time-frame, find out all the changes that has happened to me, 3) Obtain data on the changes to an average person during a similar time-frame, 4) Compare the two to see if there are any adverse effects...

Of cos, all of that would have been terribly time consuming and troublesome... it was much easier to throw her a "i've been eating like that since i was young but i'm still alive wah.."

Bottomline: Humans are not rational. Trust me, i'm an economist-to-be, i know.

P/S: i suddenly realised why they are called "bottomlines", cos they are usually found at the bottom of the writing. Unfortunately, by writing this PS, i've effectively nullified that meaning.

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

why no blog?

This is actually pretty scary...

A few weeks of vacation, preparation for Easter Camp, busying with some admin stuff to prepare for my parents' vacation and so i didn't have time to blog..

A few weeks of not blogging and i kinda even forgot how to blog...

See how jagged and awkward these sentences are?

okok, i shall try to find my passion in blogging again...

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