Reading 'The Gatecrashers' by Alexander Fullerton, having bought it for no other reason than it was 3 for 5pds and it seemed to be about WWII sea battles... It's a bloody fantastic book! Honestly, i have no idea abt Fullerton's background but he writes about naval battles like a pro... More importantly, his book is not so much about the actions and interactions between ships and other combatants, as some authors of this genre are fond of writing, but about the actions and interactions of the people in charge of those vessels, which is infinitely more interesting...
Tactically, of course, it's the units in a battle that are important but when it comes to novels, it's definitely the officers and ratings manning the craft who are more exciting to write about... When you have a meal, you look at the dish as a whole but you always taste and smell its included ingredients, either individually or with other ingredients..
Anyway, here's another gem from Kingdom of Loathing:
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