YaN à Singapour

                                         rerum cognoscere causas

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since 1 May 06

Saturday, March 13, 2010

T-Shirt slogans

It is regretable that so many of my posts are related to work. This is a result of my highly developed left and right brain capabilities. Basically, the bulk of my work requires left brain functions (logic, analysis, processes, scolding pple, running all over the place, etc). Consequently, the right brain becomes extremely bored and under-utilised and is free to think up all kinds of nonesense. Some of the things i think up are T-shirt slogans. Unfortunately, they all have something to do with work. Some of the good ones so far are:

Jesus came to give me life but my work took it away!

You: Get a life!
Me: No time!

i forsee that at some point of my life, i'm going to become rich & famous by starting a fashion label called 'Workaholics'.


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