Iran-US Letter
i was reading CNA when i saw this report on their front page:
"Iranian president writes to Bush, ending 26-year hiatus"
My first reaction was "Wow, that was super unexpected"... For those of us not in the know, the US and Iran have had a very strained relationship for the past few years, much like between that the "deh-gu" (health inspector) and the illegal otah-seller...
The deh-gu sees this guy taking out a charcoal pit and starting the fire but that is not enough to prove that he is going to start selling food. Then the deh-gu search that guy's bag and finds instructions on how to "pheng" otah but he say "that is for i ownself interest only" Then he apply permit go to the guy's van and finds 50 boxes of raw otah but he say "that is for i ownself domestic, peaceful consumption of otah wah" The he run to tell his other deh-gu frens but they dont believe him cos they secretly take bribe from otah-seller. So he no choice cos he can only prove that the guy is an otah seller when he actually puts the otah on the pit, but by then too late liao cos the otah is actually not otah but some 'Gigakill-Zap-&-Pulverize-Thermoblaster-Xtreme-3000'
So anyway, i went on to read the article and found that it's not as big of a surprise as i though it was...
'"In this letter, while analysing the world situation and finding the roots of the problems, he has proposed new ways for getting out of the existing vulnerable world situation," the spokesman said Monday.
'Foreign ministry spokesman Hamid Reza Asefi told the ISNA news agency that "once the American president has received the letter, its content will be made public", while a source in Ahmadinejad's office told AFP the letter would be handed to the Swiss embassy on Monday.'
Chey... That is like super vague lor... i bet the letter probably says something like...
"Dear Mr Bush,
I have pondered much over the world situation and found the root of all the problems. Basically, it's your fault. However, it has come to my realisation recently, that Iran does not need to resort to violence to solve this problem. Hence, I propose a new and peaceful solution to get out of the existing vulnerable world situation: Why don't the US nuke itself?
Yours Sincerely,
So anyway, maybe the Middle East will become more stable in a while but i wouldn't hold my breath...
Iran US letter, DuhPolicticis, DuhPolictician, DuhEconomist
buddy, join the community of top sg intellectuals lah. really thought-provoking stuff here
Anonymous, at 11:32 PM
buddy, they must be talking in code cos everything i see is abt biological reproduction... i is not intellectual enough to break the code..
Yanjie, at 6:46 PM
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