Back-blog on a back-blog...
Here's the missing entry, i found it in the backup email Blogger sends to my acct...
'Back-blog : 3 Feb 06 - DuhEconomist on The Economist...'
One of the reasons why i'm so fascinated by and enjoy reading 'The Economist' so much, is becos of the God-like powers their writers and editors possess, or think they possess...
Reading about economists' predictions in any newspaper in the world, one will find that they are only right about half the time(or half-right all the time, wadeva increases ur utility)... Indeed, Economics is very much less a predict-what-will-happen science than it is a study-what-has-happened subject, hence the style of writing in most economic articles includes more of terms like 'predict', 'expect', 'forecast' and others which indicate the lack of 100% accuracy...
The Economist, however, is different... i'm always very amazed by how their writers make very definitively objective statements, something along the lines of "...So-and-so president has implemented such-and-such plan to solve this economic problem... It is a start but it will not work unless he does this-and-this because he has underestimated the impact of something else..."
Wow! They can tell you conclusively that the plan will not work even before it happens! That is like so cool lar! i dunno if those writers are economists but i know i'm in my third year at the LSE and they haven't taught me how to read the future yet... maybe i'm taking the wrong modules...
anyway, if i ever get to vote in an election where one of the candidates was a writer with The Economist, i say vote for the economist
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